News and Updates

Website updates.

June 28th, 2009 by Lyle Maeterlinck

You’ve probably noticed that we’ve made some updates to this website. We’ve removed the FAQ, and we’ll soon be updating the ‘about’ page to a comprehensive guide to the Bloodlines game, and including the information that was previously contained in the FAQ. We know it’s long overdue, and we promise as soon as it’s complete it will be posted.  Also, the ‘clans’ page has been changed to ‘groups’ so it can encompass Vampire clans, and the upcoming Lycan packs. You might have also noticed that we’ve changed the way that stats are displayed on the groups page, we’re now providing some extra information about clans. Before, the clan listing only showed the total number of historical members of the clan. Now, it shows both the currently active members and the total historical members. “Active” members is the total of humans and vampires. If someone has a status of destroyed, or has deactivated their profile using the garlic necklace, they are not counted in the active total. At the top of each clan roster, you can now see the number of vampires, humans, destroyed players, and total historical members in the clan. This is only a change in the data displayed on the website, and is not a “rule change” in the game. It also has nothing to do with souls or soul counts. The reason this display change was made was to make the listing meaningful and to reflect the active player membership in the clans, rather than a historical total.

We plan on making more extensive updates to the website over the next few days, and releasing many new exciting products. Stay tuned to this blog for status updates, and thanks for playing Bloodlines!

29 Responses to “Website updates.”

  1. foxyjen Says:

    Mars and Lyle although you know how excited I am you finally made this change for better game play, I still feel this is a vampire soon to be vampire/lycan game…I feel another amendment should be made that clan totals (or groups)are based on active VAMPIRES not humans. If humans are included there is still no incentive for peple to take care of thier lieges and people will still continue to cheat making alts only not turning them fully into vampires to grow thier groups. This is as far as I and a lot of others are concerned cheating. Wouldn’t it be nice if the true top clan was a clan of vampire and or lycans not humans??? This is what the game was based on being a vampire sustaining blood, taking care of minions, etc not humans…

  2. b0bby Says:

    This has changed how vampire clans are ranked. They are now ranked by active members, not total soul count, and that did change ranking of some bigger clans.

    This *did* change the game, and for those clans that want to increase their ranking, it changes how they will play the game, and how they add new members. I suspect many will not make new vampires but leave most as humans, and turn many of their current destroyed vampires into humans.

  3. Mars Bracken Says:

    @ B0bby – Sorry for the confusion b0bby, but we didn’t change the rankings in that way. The Royalty ranking is still based on soul count. The “Clan Number” listing in stats was never listed in regards to soul count, but just in regards to the total number of players in the clan. Now it’s just reflecting the active/destroyed totals rather than just an overall number.

  4. foxyjen Says:

    oh i just had an idea AGAIN….since i would argue humans are food and shouldnt be counted in the vampire clan or group rankings….why isnt it broken down if you want to be “blood dolls” there would be seperate ranking for seperate groups….like so and so had the biggest human “blood doll” group and so and so has the biggest vampire ranking and so and so has the biggest lycan ranking? then we would weed out cheaters since many came to this game to be a vampire or lycan not a human…

  5. Parabellum Diavolo Says:

    foxyjen was totally reading my mind. Active members should not count humans. The so called biggest clans in Bloodlines pad their numbers with their manufactured alt humans. The only way to truely see who is the biggest is to only count active vampires. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying that human friends and actual blood dolls can’t be a part of your family, but they are not vampires, and most definately should not count toward Active Vampire Clan Total.

  6. b0bby Says:

    What I observe on the website ( is now different than it was before this change. When looking at how clans are ranked, before the highest ranking was based on total soul count. Now for example (6/30/09), ‘Blood Reapers Empire’ is now listed *above* ‘Nightwish Darksouls’ because their active count is much higher. This was an immediate change in ranking of a clan based on this new metric.

    Perhaps this statistic is being used differently than what you intended, but either way it was being used by some to determine clan ranking in the game. I understand that the intention was to use Royalty, but because this page is more commonly seen (usage habits) on the website, perception has this as the rankings.

  7. Echo Heartsdale Says:

    I have a comment about having humans in clans…I see no reason why humans shouldn’t be counted. I have some in my clan to be used as blood dolls. I know also that quite a few of them do this because they can’t afford to buy blood all the time and also because they aren’t on line all the time. They have rl work and things that takes them out of game. However, they did buy their huds so why shouldn’t they be count?

  8. Echo Heartsdale Says:

    Also, the blood dolls have to buy Apples to restore their blood to remain active as blood dolls. To me they are a big part of a clan.

  9. soulsnblood shuffle Says:

    Perhaps this is off topic, but 2 days ago I set liege to someone else and I am shown on her page as a minion, but my soul count isnt yet included in her total souls. How long does it usually take for this to update?

  10. Angel Lavecchia Says:

    I see this as a radical change but it is okay with me and my clan to accomodate the new upcoming Lycan packs is why they did it is what i heard and as far as humans go as i have submitted my note card with my idea in the blade trilogy and since the BL vampires are using unique names and white wolf names as well as Vampire chronicle names why not blade , and well in the blade trilogy a human who is in service to a vampire is called a “familiar” and they are promised to become vampires soooo we can have “familiars” if we so choose to and who ever calls them blood dolls anyways ? so impersonal the clan should be like a family and we aall are responsible for training our vampires as well as our “Familiars” the only thing that is changed is your way of thinking. I lead my clan the same way as i always have and we are doing just fine. Adaptability is what Vampires are good at .

  11. Fides Says:

    Greetings, I would wish the souls of all the alts people create wouldn’t count. Do something about all those alts.
    I hope the rumour in SL, about bloodlines being a money scam, isn’t true. Prove this by doing something against all those alts. They are very recognizable on the stats pages.

  12. Rosebunny Says:

    I think human members should be counted. Heck, I’m in a small clan starting up and am on the clan’s court. As is my friend. We may be human members, but we do a lot for the clan. so should I be penalized for being active, but having too many real life responsibilities to have to keep up on blood? We buy huds, casks, a reaper, a spike…we buy apples, I have minions, I have their souls.
    I count.

  13. foxyjen Says:

    well not counting humans would be a huge thing for the integrity of the VAMPIRE game. Humans can still show as part of the clan but for clan or group tallys this is a VAMPIRE game and you should not be able to grow your clan/group with humans. This would significantly cut down on the alts. Souls is a different matter…clan totals were never based on souls it was always counted on who has the most lieges. I argue humans are food and while yes blood dolls are a part of the clan to sustain the life of a VAMPIRE they should not be counted towards the #1 group…

  14. foxyjen Says:

    furthermore you can clearly see the contradiction when most of the hugher clans have more humans than even vampires…there are not that many active blood dolls….rolls eyes. Even in my clan which I have had for more than a year in this game this is true and believe me I have sent notices to my clan I do not condone this but the only way it will really be fixed is if the stats reflect accurately to only include VAMPIRES and now LYCANs to grow a group…

  15. LaCarnal Says:

    If you could just find a way to address the major cheating that does go on, THAT in itself would be nice. I will never understand why people cheat, just to be at the top or get there, knowing they didn’t really earn it. How can they ever take pride in that, or the methods of their game playing. when they know a lot of them are not even real!

  16. LaCarnal Says:

    I do have a question about the new stats though. Why is the total different than the clan’s maker? None of them seem to match up. It is either more or less… Is it just taking longer to update? Or are these lieges that while part of the clan, their souls belonging to someone else, are counted but not? Can you please explain this to me?

  17. MarkSohl Says:

    I think its all good having Humans in the Clans becsue sometime ya dont have the money to get the Infinate Amulet so in a way I usally get one of my leiges to turn human if they are going away for a while or something then on the other hand ya got members who like the Idea of being in a clan but not sure sabout the Vampire thing so in a way its helps people who wannt be a part of a Family and make good friends along the way so really I think its down to the indivual (TYPOS MY BAD cant spell to save me life sumtimes lol).

    Take Love ya all keep up the good work Guys and Gals


  18. Angel Lavecchia Says:

    I guess some people dont understand that not everyone likes to be a vampire and after a while they have decided to leave. They have been brought into a game and dont have time etc. etc . what ever the reason I have told many a people hey if you dont wanna play then dont you can cure vampirism by drinkinbg the potion. So what i have some people in my clan that are human and dont play any more doesnt mean they are alts, they were active at one time , how about addressing the issue of people BUYING souls whats that all about ? as for humans they have been bitten , their souls in the clan and they are required to do some duties then their human status should be counted like i have said in earlier posts, “Familiars” belong in the clan and they should be counted in the final stats and we all know that the historical value of the minion count is a true and accurate count regardless of , destroyed, human, alts , or not the job was performed and no one can say why it happened. How can you accuse someone of cheating if you do not know the circumstances ? yeah yeah yeah some people create alts to boost their soul level up whoopty doo look at the stats The vampire Gods (Mars, and Lyle) have made it clear they know who is active, who is destroyed, and who is human and they have revealed it to us all. What more do you want ? play the game and have fun

  19. Selene Putzo Says:

    I second Angel Lavecchia’s post above. One of the humans in my clan is that of my own leige and queen who decided to quit BloodLines. All-in-all, she is now Human and I still hold her precious soul. What am I do do? Cut her out of my clan just to please vampires who are committed to “pure blood” systems? A destroyed vampire isn’t always an alt for soul/blood creation (and that’s a very expensive way to boost soul/blood wealth anyway). I am not stupid, I’ve noticed these high ranking vampires with questionable histories of bites and souls for months. But if that’s the way some people like to play ~ “cheating” if you like to call it that ~ then so be it. You will find “cheats” in every game or system ever invented. You will find people who cannot ignore them and go on a witch hunt to point the cheats out. Cheats only fail themselves and I have zero time to waste on hunting them down… far better things to do in SL and BL. Anyone left moaning and groaning about how BL system operates (or fails to close loopholes)… well there are other vampire RP games for you to try. It always was your choice from the start.

  20. LaCarnal Says:

    Personally I never said anything against “humans” in the game. We have blood dolls and familiars and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. That is their chosen roll and they play it well. We also have vampires that “rest” or “sleep” as either RL takes over or as I call it they go through a cycle of playing something else but will return to us.

    I wasn’t asking anyone for a witch hunt, but instead just pointing out it’s the cheaters that give this game a bad name. Increasingly you see posts against bloodline players in a lot of places, some going as far as banning right away without even a reason except for what some others have done. As in any thing, life, games, and work, you have good and bad..the question is do you always ignore the bad? I personally think if you do then it will overshadow and overpower the good in time, like a virus that spreads. Some of us play this game for the thrill of it, some of us for the family and friends we make, others just to say they won at something. Some of us care about the image we project for the WHOLE of us, while others in this game are nothing but a soul factory, hurting (because there are real people behind the av’s with feelings) and causing a bad name, as they go along.
    Can anything honestly be done about this…I doubt it, but it is nice to know that they know we are watching and we do know.
    Without Honor and Respect you have NOTHING.

  21. leahurvilan Says:

    Sorry to ask such a mundane question but in the website updates…..where has the search facility gone?????
    How are we expected to find people?????????

  22. Angel Lavecchia Says:

    /Lifts his glass of blood and salutes all on a successful hunt, “Greetings all welcome to bloodlines Vampire, Lycan, and Hybrids alike, next Mars and Lyle will be releasing ghouls and demons and angels to add to the awesome game they already created who knows what these SL Gods will create next all i say is i am going to be here to find out and heres to you all.” /drinks the entire contents of blood wasting not a single drop.

  23. Cyzicus Xue Says:

    I would just like to say to people who talk about their lieges, you only have one liege. The “lieges” you are referring to are your minions, and you are their liege.

  24. Lyle Maeterlinck Says:

    @leahurvilan, the search box is now in flash, you will need the latest flash player installed in your browser to use it, you can get it here:

  25. Angel Lavecchia Says:

    this is true Cyzicus yet being the “top” liege the leader and king of the clan when i say my lieges i am talking about all my minion who have minion it is a strange way to look at things i am sure but regardless I have no liege and any leader of a clan has no liege therefore when a leader speaks of his liege he can either mean he/she is referring to the Liege that sired him/her or he/she is referring to his minion. In any case when a vampire has no minion then they are referred to simply as “minion” yet once a vampire has acquired a “minion” they have now become a “liege” and then again all this liege and minion and so on is part of Bloodlines ranking system whereas i have found that a majority of clans have created their own hierarchy within the clan and the bloodlines ranks are for the Vampire and Lycan Gods who created bloodlines for instance you are a tormentor but do you not rule your clan like a Queen ? anyway you can haand out ranks and titles all you want that is the beauty of the game we caan caall minion lieges if we want too

  26. damiana_98 Says:

    We have the option to “ban minion” but what I would like to see is the option to “ban soul”. I have several alts in my clan that were the result of a clan split. When some in my clan left they created alts to trade for their souls. Had they asked me to allow them to reap their souls back, I would have gladly done so. Now it looks as if my clan is being padded with alts intentionally… a cheater I am not. My clan doesn’t play the numbers game because all we are interested in is a true family. I wish I had a linden for every request I’ve had to turn a noob that I refused! I’d love to have the option of being rid of those. How about it, Mars and Lyle? What say you?

  27. phil.stratten Says:

    I know this is an old one but I couldn’t think of a better place to put this.

    What is the feasibility of extending the ability to see the active count to the profile of each player? It’s great to see the active count within a clan, but, it would be excellent for an individual be able to see the active count of their total. Perhaps another number next to the total soul count that shows the actual actives lieged under that vampire/lycan/hybrid.

  28. AlkaHammerer Says:

    Everytime I lick one of the links for a human on the vampire or lycan pages it goes to a blank site. is dead or what?

  29. Lyle Maeterlinck Says:

    Hi Alka, You’re right, we had a temporary issue with the humans site. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. It has been fixed now.