News and Updates

New Bloodlines Stat Listings

August 12th, 2013 by Lyle Maeterlinck

We would like to give everyone a heads-up that we are preparing to finally make some much-requested updates to the Bloodlines stats. We are adding two new stats pages, one for Hybrids, and one for Humans.

This means that if you are currently a Hybrid (both embraced and enraged), and you are currently in the Vampire or Lycan stats for Generation or Royalty, you will be moved to the Hybrid stats. This means that instead of only two players being Generation 1, now there will be three. This also opens up two more slots in Generation 2, four more in Generation 3, eight more in Generation 4, etc. If you are a Hybrid currently in the Vampire stats and want to stay there, you will need to drink the Wolfsbane potion, and if you are currently a Hybrid in the Lycan stats and want to stay there, you will need to drink the Nightshade potion. You don’t have to do this yet. As we get closer to launching these changes, we will let you know exactly when it is going to happen.

For Humans, this means you finally get your own Bloodlines homepage and separate stats. We’re adding rankings for Cider Wealth and total amount of humanity converted into blood or lumens.

We’re also going to be making some updates to the site to make them easier to navigate and access on mobile devices.

3 Responses to “New Bloodlines Stat Listings”

  1. Morag Macintyre Says:

    Lyle it’s official , You are my Hero !!!

  2. Yummy Fairlady Says:

    I personally not sure I like these proposed Changes.

  3. Brian Royce Says:

    I personally find these pretty interesting, I’m wondering how it will look like, the Hybrids page is to me the most promising. I do look forward to see what will change in Bloodlines with this. Keep up the good work.